but my recent lack of proper brain-rest has been causing lots of limitations.
Not that that I'm complaining!
My Birthday was awesoMee!!
Somehow it felt like a two weeks celebration!!
Started with Selina's 24th...
Then on to Derek and I's 23rd!
There were so many cakes!
So many friends!
So many activities!
And sooo much fun!
I havent gotten pics from my legal prac mini celebration
and pics from Derek's "actual" Birthday nite pics,
but here's what I can show u so far...
Started off Ice-Skating on Selina's Birthday weekend.

Then we had a little surprise for Selina at her fav restaurant, Antartic Circle!
Followed up by a mini-house-gathering with cakes and gifts and friends!
Then came Derek and I's Birthday weekend,
and it started off with us going clubbing at Fridays on Friday.
It was a good nite.
Thanks Mouzam for being first to remember it was pasr 12 and officially my Birthday!
When I got home around 5am,
The whole house was awake..
Waiting for me to come home to my mini midnight surprise celebration!
*Thanks heaps to you all, especially Selina!!*
Friday nite's drunkness was brought forward to the next day,
when Derek and I had a little mini-gathering at home the nite after!
*that was on the 19th Jan 2008*

Got 3 bouquets of flower for my birthday and heaps of other reli cool prezzies!
Got to say,
My family knows me best.
The gifts I got made me feel more special than ever...
Simply cuz it felt they reli did put effort into it.
*I actually felt guilty at some point cuz I knew I wouldn't hav done such a great job at the gifts department - as proven actually*
Tonite was Derek's "actual" Birthday celebration...
We went to a Korean Restaurant and had a fun nite out.
Helium 'belon' and all. heHee...
Need to get the pics from Derek and Sheena soon.
Oh... and the legal prac people,
those I'm spending most of my waking hours with nowadays...
They bought me two cakes for my birthday.
They're such sweethearts!
Maybe I'll post some pics when I get them off Selina.
All in all,
This year's celebration was unexpectedly great.
Simple plans, but awesoMe times.
Shoutout to all who made my 23rd Birthday more awesoMer than usual!!
To those who sent their loves in person,
through SMSes, through phone calls, through Friendster,
through Facebook, through Blogger (yes, u chu!!) and through MSN..
You guys are soOOoo not forgotten!
Sorry I havent made individual replies,
But it doesnt make your heartfelt wishes mean any less to moi!
I'm sOoOoOoo blessed to have you guys in my life!
LeNnie - 23 now. :)
yay beh.
It HAS been a long celebration week(s). Im having problems winding down from it. Definitely one for the books. One we'll look back and say, that was awesome!
lol it was heyyy... we had 2-consecutive-no-rest-weekends... if i wasnt this happy, i'd be feeling sick i reckon.
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