(minus the stress that's building up becuz my presentation date is getting closer!)
Last week or so,
I was talkin to Groovy.
And he brought up Sydney's Krispy Kream.
(did I spell it right?)
But anyway,
It's one of the most popular donut-like kinda junk food u can get in Sydney.
I remember Ivan tell me about it.
Made my mouth water.
So that's exactly what I told Groovy.
And today,
see what I got!

To those who's seen me,
You guys must be thinking,
(Only if you don't already think s0)
"Oh My God. She's soOo gonna turn into a pig."
I guess it's a risk I'll have to take for the love of donuts.
ps: to those who's mouth is watering,
I intentionally posted the add of the shop with the pic.
So yea... *nudge nudge wink wink*
Dont hessitate to check it out.
Whoaa they sell such great looking donuts at my doorstep!?!
Are they those "melt in your mouth" kind or do they just look good?
if u're a sweet-tooth JaMez... u'd love it. its yuMmmerzzzz!!
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