February 18, 2008

.my xxxes.

Period may be coming real soon,
cuz the anger is subsiding.

There's so many things that I wanna do at this moment -

x SLeep
x Record a soNg
x Sing karaOke
x be witH Family
x huG sHeena
x See StaN
x Write a story for my otHer blog
x Club
x maKe certain peopLe disappear
x FLirt with randoms
x Cry to release notHing
x taKe a sHower
x FiniSh work
x Have tiMe off

hMm... zzz.


۞ D! ۞ said...

i dont get the title?
i can help with 2 things on the list, record a song and help u to take a shower. th rest not so much.

۞ D! ۞ said...

ah...now i get it...im so sloOOOoow~