February 27, 2008


I was talkin to Stan last nite.
We went on to talk about Jimmy.
He asked me whether I have ever wanted to get serious in that relationship.
I told him...
"I actually did."

Thats when Stan reminded me...
On the afternoon of the faithful day*,
when Stan and I had lunch together,
He asked me the same question...
And he reminded me of what I replied:

That afternoon, I told Stan,
"I think I'm ready to get more serious with Jimmy."

That was perhaps...
8 hours before the worst moment in our relationship happened.

Thinking back,
maybe its a sign.
I say I wanna get serious,
and God decides to throw me this sign.
As if to tell me, "nooo"...

And the best bit is,
On that faithful day*...
My ex boyfriend was involved,
but my current boyfriend wasn't...

I repeat,
I was in the middle of one of the worst nites of my life,
Both my ex and my current was present,
but the one by my side was my EX.
Not my current.
Not Jimmy.

... I think I see the light now.

*faithful day = the last time Jimmy and I went to a Reiji Dance Party together, which ended up in a semi-major blood bath that I managed to get caught in the middle of, which eventually led to Jimmy and I breaking up.

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