I was chatting with James...
Still chatting with James actually...
And we suddenly talked about "KARMA"...
What is it actually?
Well I said...
(and this idea actually sprung from my misinterpretation of James' idea)
"its probably another person who was hurt by another person, doing the same thing to the next person, who had hurt another person the same way in the past..."
Sorta like... another form of "revenge"...
Its just, they dont do it themselves...
But they wait till fate does it for them.
Thats what u meant rite, James?
What do u think?
Do you believe in Karma?
Kinda. But it may not exist afterall, and it may be just wishful thinking on their side!
I believe there is Karma. A natural thing for buddhist to believe.
I believe totally in Karma. Seen it happen to people and also myself. I goggled it and found this which best explain what I believe it to be.
In Hindu belief where the term originated, it is the idea that the good and evil a person does will return either in this life or in a later one. Among Pagans, the theory is that whatever negative or positive energies one sends out will come back to the sender in like kind. The “Three Fold Law” is a version of this belief.
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