February 10, 2007

.a morning with One Tree Hill.

I got up today and watched the latest episode of One Tree Hill.
My sis, Wynna got me hooked on it.

This episode talked about labels and who were you in High School.
I few things... I really had to believe.

You see,
It is true that there'll always be different types of people in school.
The famous ones, the sporty ones, the bad ones, the nerdy ones.
Those you know every thing about,
And those you'd graduate and forget they even existed.

But it is also true that after you grad from High School,
Those labels don't really matter anymore.

One thing I truly realised is that...
The popular kids,
Those who naturally relies on others to "make them feel special",
would have it harder in the real life than others.
Simply because when they're out in the real world,
It would be harder for them to adapt to the fact that they're nobody special.

And those who tries hard to stick to how thing were,
They end up becoming arrogant and a smart ass.
And that could easily get you on the wrong side of others...

Now its not that they can't make a new name for themselves,
and then gain their popularity back...
But some popular kids,
They go out, thinking that the world is at their feet.
That when they talk,
people should listen.
That when they think something is right,
It is.

And they would always think they're better than everyone.

People like that,
They dont get anywhere.

Unless they're ready to start from the bottom.

And just for the fun of it,
I think if I was labelled...
I'd be

I know friendly isn't a label...
But you'll have to watch One Tree Hill to understand what that means.

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