November 16, 2007

.so exams are over; what now?.

Exams are over.
I should be going crazy yea?
After all,
Exams are over...
My *possibly* LAST EXAMS are over!!

*bloody touch wood, mind you*
(and if I dont grad, dont use the above quote to rub salt in my wound, thanks)

But yea...
Why don't I feel anything?
Yea, I have parties to attend and plans all made up.
But... It doesnt feel any different.

Maybe tonite's Dinner + Party would change that.
We'll see.

But anyway,
EXAMS ARE DONE!! WeeeHeeee!!
*nah... still dont feel anything*

(good luck D!! keep striving!!)

ps: I'll be back in KK in less than 5 days.
Kelvin Chee has already called to make plans.
He's so sweeet...
And Fendi too. YAY!!
I'll miss Brisbane and Jimmy though...
But hey,
I'm home.
I might not even use the words "Brisbane" or "Jimmy" for the next 6 weeks.
Who knows huh?
I'll keep u posted.


۞ D! ۞ said...


I guess the correct after exams feeling is...regret. yup yup. But you get over it. XD

۞ D! ۞ said...

oh i know i know...print song tabs and lyrics for girl songs..*important* *important*