Its been raining these couple of days.
*sigh* Not sure I'm too happy about it.
Sheena left this morning.
I miss her already!
*hugs hugs*
Gonna be different without her around.
And its a pity cuz we never managed to go to "Wet and Wild" as we planned.
Before exams, we were so excited.
After exams, we just never found the time.
This morning,
Shaz was out with Zahrah.
I think Zahrah is leaving tonite.
*hugs hugs*
Have fun in Malaysia!!
*That goes to Sheena too!*
I'm so envious...
I wish I could go back too.
And you, Mike!! Having fun yet?!
(Eating proper food now? kekekee)
oH... Hazel is back in KK too!!
All the lucky people!!
This morning (as I was saying)...
Shaz got into a little car accident.
Apparently this dumb driver caught Shaz in a blind spot,
and just swerved and crashed on to Shaz's right door.
Geez... 3 sighs in a mere 2 minutes.
How far worse can this day get?!
*aaaaahchoOo!!* 3 times...
Is someone taking behind my back?
kekKkee... ok ok, thats just me being over dramaish.
But *sigh*...
Not to mention,
The rain is coming through the square windows near the stairs.
oH... One positive thing.
I wrote a song last night before bed.
Naturally, it was written with Shaz in mind.
He'd probably think its crappy...
Cuz we both have very different taste in music.
(Usually he's the fussy one, I'm alrite with anything)
*sheepish grin*
aH... and I also maked jelly last night.
But yeAaa... That's 4 bads and 1 good.
We'll see what happens next.
21st November: MONDAY NIGHT
I had fun at Club Kandy.
Shaz made a last minute decision to join us.
Then we met Emyne, Lalat, Pei Lin and Amy at the end.
And I still think they should move RnB music downstairs!
Its much bigger and cooler there!
I was sweating my arse off on that tiny RnB floor!
Not to mention people sweating ON ME.
That place was soOoo packed you couldn't breathe!!
We got home around 3am...
Selina baked a chocolate cake earlier,
and we poked 3 candles in it,
and sang Shaz a Happy Birthday song.
We missed his 21st Birthday last september...
He was in Singapore with his ma.
The Choc cake was aweeee-sOMe!
aH... and lastly,
Another shocking Australian Idol result.
Emily should have won instead of Kate.
And to those who are saying,
"This is just like last year. Anthony Callea should have won instead of Casey!"
I just wanna say,
She deserved to win!
(although Anthony is currently more popular)
Casey performed that night,
and she still gave me goosebumps!
*You Rock Casey!!!*
November 23, 2005
November 21, 2005
QLD Roars v NSW Jets

Today was my first experience in a football stadium.
Isnt it greatie?!
Shaz paid $20 for my ticket,
and we were seated 8 rows from the pitch!
(We = Sherwynna, Shaz, Selina, Cyrus and me)
Perfeeeect view!
It was so much fun!
Roary was soOo cute!
According to Shaz,
He'd do 100 push-ups everytime the team scores!
But too bad... tonite, we lost.
But thats alrite.
I had fun!
Met Shaz's neighbour.
He's nice. :)
WhoOoo hoOOoo!!
Great gaMe, great match, great company!
YAY! More matches to come!!
And hey, this match was live on Fox Sport 1.
I could have been on TV! kekekee!!

November 19, 2005
It's 2.34am...
Thats 12 hours till Shaz comes over to pick me and Wyn.
We're going to watch a football match.
Shaz is suppose to be playing.
But that would depend on his ankle.
He injured it again today.
I hope he's alritee...
*big hugs*
Today was a long day.
Despite waking up at 3pm.
Sherman, Wyn and I went to IKEA.
Bought a cupboard for the room downstairs.
(The room I'll be sleeping in tonite)
Then we met Sisca for dinner at Kadoya.
After dinner, we walked around Queen St.
Was a slow night.
Came home around 10 plus,
Did my online enrolment for next year.
*sigh* Fingers crossed that I signed up for the right electives.
What the hell is Internet Law anyway?!
I feel so tired now.
Lack of sleep.
And Moodless too...
No reason. *sigh*
Started reading this novel I bought the other day.
Its nothing too amazing,
But its good to just spend time with myself,
Relaxing and clearing my mind.
and hey Mike,
You're welcome.
Thats 12 hours till Shaz comes over to pick me and Wyn.
We're going to watch a football match.
Shaz is suppose to be playing.
But that would depend on his ankle.
He injured it again today.
I hope he's alritee...
*big hugs*
Today was a long day.
Despite waking up at 3pm.
Sherman, Wyn and I went to IKEA.
Bought a cupboard for the room downstairs.
(The room I'll be sleeping in tonite)
Then we met Sisca for dinner at Kadoya.
After dinner, we walked around Queen St.
Was a slow night.
Came home around 10 plus,
Did my online enrolment for next year.
*sigh* Fingers crossed that I signed up for the right electives.
What the hell is Internet Law anyway?!
I feel so tired now.
Lack of sleep.
And Moodless too...
No reason. *sigh*
Started reading this novel I bought the other day.
Its nothing too amazing,
But its good to just spend time with myself,
Relaxing and clearing my mind.
and hey Mike,
You're welcome.
November 17, 2005
Tuesday - Thursday
Happy 21st Birthday Mikee!
I called to say Happy Birthday and accidentally woke him.
*kekekee* But its nice to be first.
I hope his exams went well!
Today I went out for lunch with Hazel.
I've always loved meeting up with that chick.
Its been a while since we last sat down and chatted,
so it was much much fun.
We just yapped and yapped and yapped.
I like how I can share so many things with her.
She's awesome!

At nite, Sherwynna, Me, Yen and Cyrus went to watch "Elizabethtown".
My opinion,
Don't watch.
Some poeople may like it,
But for me... It just got a little too boring.
Dragged on too much. *bleak*
oH... Before the movie,
We had dinner with Julie at Little Taipei.
I miss her so much!
After the movie, SHaz picked us at the bustop.
Its been 3 days since I last saw him.
Miss him soOo much.

Shaz and I went shopping at Pick'N'Pay for groceries.
I spent another $70+ on food and stuffs.
*sigh* I'm such a spender...
And I'm still deciding if I should work.
Yen and Cyrus made dinner tonite.
We ate while watching Australia v Uruguay
2nd leg. Who won gets to qualify for Germany 2006.
Penalty shootout.
The Aussies are going to Germany!
*whoOo hoOo!!*
Shaz watched with his friends at the city.
A new soccer pub opened somewhere.
Shaz and I watched the penalty shootout together on the phone.
It was crazy exciting!
Andy called from Sydney.
He had ticks to the match and was sitting right next to the field!
Lucky guy!!
When he called, all I could hear was loud LOUD noises!
For a moment, it felt like I was there!
It was soOo cooOol!
Later that night,
I watched Beauty Shop with Sheena and Nani.
After the movie, Shaz came over.
We saved him some dinner.
After all that, we took out beer and started drinking.
Drink drink drink.
We were planning to get ourselves drunk,
But after 20 bottles...
Everyone was still fine.
But one thing we learnt from that night,
Don't buy Carlton Midstrength. *ewww*
Shaz, Nani and I went for Red Roosters.
Yummerz. I love the chicken roll and the chips.
After brunch,
Shaz sent me and Nani to sunnybank plaza,
While he had to go for his football practice.
Nani and I shopped there.
Saw 3 pups... Maltese... SOOO CUTEE!!

I bought Yen's Xmas present.
muahHAhaa... *sorta*
and NooOlah... Its not the Maltese!!
Now I'm feeling crazy sleepy.
Sounds like Yen is cooking downstairs.
I should go help.
I wish I could sleep though.
Alritey. Cheers peeps.
Happy 21st Birthday Mikee!
I called to say Happy Birthday and accidentally woke him.
*kekekee* But its nice to be first.
I hope his exams went well!
Today I went out for lunch with Hazel.
I've always loved meeting up with that chick.
Its been a while since we last sat down and chatted,
so it was much much fun.
We just yapped and yapped and yapped.
I like how I can share so many things with her.
She's awesome!

At nite, Sherwynna, Me, Yen and Cyrus went to watch "Elizabethtown".
My opinion,
Don't watch.
Some poeople may like it,
But for me... It just got a little too boring.
Dragged on too much. *bleak*
oH... Before the movie,
We had dinner with Julie at Little Taipei.
I miss her so much!
After the movie, SHaz picked us at the bustop.
Its been 3 days since I last saw him.
Miss him soOo much.

Shaz and I went shopping at Pick'N'Pay for groceries.
I spent another $70+ on food and stuffs.
*sigh* I'm such a spender...
And I'm still deciding if I should work.
Yen and Cyrus made dinner tonite.
We ate while watching Australia v Uruguay
2nd leg. Who won gets to qualify for Germany 2006.
Penalty shootout.
The Aussies are going to Germany!
*whoOo hoOo!!*
Shaz watched with his friends at the city.
A new soccer pub opened somewhere.
Shaz and I watched the penalty shootout together on the phone.
It was crazy exciting!
Andy called from Sydney.
He had ticks to the match and was sitting right next to the field!
Lucky guy!!
When he called, all I could hear was loud LOUD noises!
For a moment, it felt like I was there!
It was soOo cooOol!
Later that night,
I watched Beauty Shop with Sheena and Nani.
After the movie, Shaz came over.
We saved him some dinner.
After all that, we took out beer and started drinking.
Drink drink drink.
We were planning to get ourselves drunk,
But after 20 bottles...
Everyone was still fine.
But one thing we learnt from that night,
Don't buy Carlton Midstrength. *ewww*
Shaz, Nani and I went for Red Roosters.
Yummerz. I love the chicken roll and the chips.
After brunch,
Shaz sent me and Nani to sunnybank plaza,
While he had to go for his football practice.
Nani and I shopped there.
Saw 3 pups... Maltese... SOOO CUTEE!!

I bought Yen's Xmas present.
muahHAhaa... *sorta*
and NooOlah... Its not the Maltese!!
Now I'm feeling crazy sleepy.
Sounds like Yen is cooking downstairs.
I should go help.
I wish I could sleep though.
Alritey. Cheers peeps.
November 15, 2005
City to City...
Today, Brissie got a bomb threat.
Located near Hilton Hotel in the city.
Brisbane CBD was a mess today.
Was suppose to go there,
But after Shaz called and warned us about the bomb,
We changed our plans and headed to another city.
Garden City.
Went shopping.
Was fun.
Me, Selina and Sherwynna.
Sherman sent us.
It was Wyn's first shop in Brissie.
Before that, we had lunch at Little Taipei.
Wynna was introduced to Sherman's friends.
Was fun.

*yawn* (its 4.38am... dun mind me)
Meeting Hazel for lunch at 1pm later.
Its been a while since we both sat down to bitch.
I'm looking forward.
Wish we could catch "In Her Shoes" though.
Too bad for the lousy schedulle at the cinema.
*sigh* Alritey. Bed time.
Dont wanna be late for lunch.
Located near Hilton Hotel in the city.
Brisbane CBD was a mess today.
Was suppose to go there,
But after Shaz called and warned us about the bomb,
We changed our plans and headed to another city.
Garden City.
Went shopping.
Was fun.
Me, Selina and Sherwynna.
Sherman sent us.
It was Wyn's first shop in Brissie.
Before that, we had lunch at Little Taipei.
Wynna was introduced to Sherman's friends.
Was fun.

*yawn* (its 4.38am... dun mind me)
Meeting Hazel for lunch at 1pm later.
Its been a while since we both sat down to bitch.
I'm looking forward.
Wish we could catch "In Her Shoes" though.
Too bad for the lousy schedulle at the cinema.
*sigh* Alritey. Bed time.
Dont wanna be late for lunch.
November 13, 2005
Sherwynna arrived yesterday.
Spoke to Ivan for an hour plus yesterday.
Jeff called yesterday.
Selina baked a cheesecake yesterday.
Spent lots of time with Shaz yesterday.
Many things happened yesterday.
Yesterday, 12th Nov 2005.
Spoke to Ivan for an hour plus yesterday.
Jeff called yesterday.
Selina baked a cheesecake yesterday.
Spent lots of time with Shaz yesterday.
Many things happened yesterday.
Yesterday, 12th Nov 2005.
November 11, 2005
Lost My Rhythm...?
I thought I was a bloggaholic?!
kekekee... Actually I still am.
Its just, I was cut off the net for a couple of days.
And due to exams, I didn't bother going that extra mile to find other sources to the net.
But now that my connection is back,
And Exams are left to the past...
I'm back! *grins*
Damn I'm lame...
My exams in a nutshell...
Well... I messed up 2 papers.
1 might still scrape through, but the other...
Thats a goner.
After that exam,
Shaz pastured me to see a doc.
So I can ask for an MC to apply for special consideration.
Everyone was doing that.
But I didn't...
Don't know why, I couldn't get myself to do it.
My personal principle?
Yeaa Sherleneee...
Principle my butt!
Imagine if that MC could have gotten you 5 extra marks,
and you could have passed and saved your AUD$2000,
But because of your lame ass "principle",
You flunked it. And messed up the only chance to pass.
But hey, truth to be told...
I don't regret.
I just can't walk into a doc's office,
Fake a sickness and walk away with it.
I'd feel like a rat. I don't knowwww...
ANYWAY, lets leave exams aside.
Or lets flush it down the loo or something.
*tries to controls emotion*
Sherwynna is arriving in Brissie tomorrow..
How cool is that huh?
I can't wait!
Then again, as excited as I am,
when I come to think of it...
I have absolutely no idea what I'd do when she's here.
I've not made any plans or anything.
All I know is, I WANNA SEE HER.
hahHaa... Does that make me pathetic?
Sorrrry WynNniee... Your sis is a loser.
*Blame Shaz. His loser-ness rubbed off on me*
*Once again thankful Shaz doesn't read this crap*
I'm still deciding if I should work.
Sherwynna isn't happy about the idea of me working while she's here.
Shaz suggest that I shouldn't work either.
Sherman thinks I shouldn't too.
But Dad wants me to work.
I printed my resume today.
Funny how the header came out as,
"ANDY Resume"
*lol* I remember chatting with Andy that time..
But how on earth did Andy's name get typed on my resume?!
*kekKkeee* But anywayz, YeAa...
That was weird!!
Alritey... Time for a nice bath.
Been cleaning the whole house the whole day today.
Started at noon, right after I got back from Bunnings Warehouse with Sherman.
We finally decided to get an electric lawn mower.
hahHaa... Dad says they're gonna install an air-con when they get here.
BEST IDEA they've came up with so-far.
*grins* Summer oH suMmer...
I love you but I hate you.
kekekee... Actually I still am.
Its just, I was cut off the net for a couple of days.
And due to exams, I didn't bother going that extra mile to find other sources to the net.
But now that my connection is back,
And Exams are left to the past...
I'm back! *grins*
Damn I'm lame...
My exams in a nutshell...
Well... I messed up 2 papers.
1 might still scrape through, but the other...
Thats a goner.
After that exam,
Shaz pastured me to see a doc.
So I can ask for an MC to apply for special consideration.
Everyone was doing that.
But I didn't...
Don't know why, I couldn't get myself to do it.
My personal principle?
Yeaa Sherleneee...
Principle my butt!
Imagine if that MC could have gotten you 5 extra marks,
and you could have passed and saved your AUD$2000,
But because of your lame ass "principle",
You flunked it. And messed up the only chance to pass.
But hey, truth to be told...
I don't regret.
I just can't walk into a doc's office,
Fake a sickness and walk away with it.
I'd feel like a rat. I don't knowwww...
ANYWAY, lets leave exams aside.
Or lets flush it down the loo or something.
*tries to controls emotion*
Sherwynna is arriving in Brissie tomorrow..
How cool is that huh?
I can't wait!
Then again, as excited as I am,
when I come to think of it...
I have absolutely no idea what I'd do when she's here.
I've not made any plans or anything.
All I know is, I WANNA SEE HER.
hahHaa... Does that make me pathetic?
Sorrrry WynNniee... Your sis is a loser.
*Blame Shaz. His loser-ness rubbed off on me*
*Once again thankful Shaz doesn't read this crap*
I'm still deciding if I should work.
Sherwynna isn't happy about the idea of me working while she's here.
Shaz suggest that I shouldn't work either.
Sherman thinks I shouldn't too.
But Dad wants me to work.
I printed my resume today.
Funny how the header came out as,
"ANDY Resume"
*lol* I remember chatting with Andy that time..
But how on earth did Andy's name get typed on my resume?!
*kekKkeee* But anywayz, YeAa...
That was weird!!
Alritey... Time for a nice bath.
Been cleaning the whole house the whole day today.
Started at noon, right after I got back from Bunnings Warehouse with Sherman.
We finally decided to get an electric lawn mower.
hahHaa... Dad says they're gonna install an air-con when they get here.
BEST IDEA they've came up with so-far.
*grins* Summer oH suMmer...
I love you but I hate you.

November 4, 2005
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