April 14, 2007


I keep seeing Fortune Cookies.
Was working today,
and the box of Fortune Cookies
caught my eye while I was walking through a particular aisle in Woolies.

Then I came online,
and 80% of the pages I visited had ads regarding Fortune Cookies.
Is it a sign??

I also dreamt of lots of birds yesterday.
My dream book says it means someone new will enter my life.
Possibly a romantic interest.
*feels Ivan rolling his eyes*
But I should beware of their intentions.
*feels Ivan nodding - then rolling his eyes again*

*feels Ivan sigh*


۞ D! ۞ said...

What happened to .last minute assignment rush + PMS ?


lennie... said...

i figured i needed a break. keKkkee... n i wan a share of john mayer!!!!!!!!

۞ D! ۞ said...

Didnt you see the goss? He and Jessica Simpson getting it on down under, guess not enuff Jonny to go around nemore.


lennie... said...

lol yeaa.. i read about him and jess. aaH weLL... i just want his musical side anyway. keKkee... JM isnt that cute. *boo* haHaa... D, u're cuter.. ^^