So anywaay... I had a thought.

Everyone knows I worship Ronaldo rite?
And becuz of this,
Many people (especially guys) uses this excuse to put down my love-for-ManUtd.
They claim:
"You're not a real MU fan.
"You're not a real MU fan.
If Ronaldo wasn't in MU,
You wouldnt give two shytes about the team!"
Yes, I love Ronaldo.
Yes, I think Ronaldo's inclusion in MU makes a difference for me.
BUT that does not mean I love MU merely becuz of Ronaldo's existence!
...aaaand I dont love Ronaldo merely becuz I think he's hot.
(He IS hot. You'd be blind to not think so.)
I love to watch him play.
I love to see him with a football.
I love to see him with a football.
I love his tricks and he way he makes the defenders look like fools.
I love how he runs and passes people like nothing.
I love when he scores and make me go "whoa!!"
I love when his every touch during a match makes a difference!
I love when his every touch during a match makes a difference!
But I know why people assumes what they do about me & doubt my passion for MU.
Becuz Im FEMALE.
Becuz Im FEMALE.
Now take for example,
Jonathan Chng.
He loves Ronaldinho... ALOT.
But people don't come up to him,
and doubt his passion for football becuz he's in great-awe with ONE particular player. And that doesn't make people doubt his love for ManUtd.

You see my point?
So unfair eei?!
oh my god S! why did u have to mention me of all pple, and worst of all, u posted my pic! arrgghhh! Hahahaha! But yeah u're rite, pple shdnt doubt ur loyalty just bcos u're female. (so if C.Ronaldo does go to Barca, just give me a call so I can tell u everything abt them and then u'll look like u've been a barca fan all yr life!I promise I wun tell anyone!):p
i swear if i find even a pinch of sarcasm in that, i'd kick ur ass and start posting more of ur pics!! and this time, not the ones that u look good in!
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