I spent this arvo at coffee club with Mouzam.
I had lunch, and he had coffee...
Its nice hangin out with an old friend.
Its been a while since Mouzam and I spent this much time together.
Not that we're spending a hell lot rite now,
But definitely more than before.
(met him about 3 times this week - once was by coincidence)
The last time was probably 3 years back,
when we were both doing our foundation course.
He's changed a bit since.
Back then,
I had to say 100 words before he uttered 1.
His reponses were always 1 lined, or worse, one word.
We just click and talk alot about anything.
And we're really open.
We tell each other ALMOST everything.
Its a nice feeling.
We call ourselves "Buddies".
... which sounds perfect for me.
(and we ARE just buddies!!)
Today before we parted,
(he was heading to the train station to meet his girl)
He gave me a hug.
It was sweet because just a few days ago,
I was thinkin,
"When was the last time I was really hugged by a guy?"
*did I hug Ivan?*
oH well,
either way,
That wouldn't count.
But yea, I had fun today.
Except for the part when I realised my new phone is f*cked.
I need to bring it back ASAP to get it swapped.
Spiderman 3 wasn't too bad either.
A good day.
Thanks to many dear friends (and bro and cousin).
(Sherman, Selina, Cyrus, Sheena, Lalat, Reza and Mouzam)
OH... and I won $35 at the Casino.
And I wasn't even planning to gamble.
(I was planning to go clubbing with Mouzam!! - but I ended up not going)
aaah... nowonder Im so happy tonite.
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