May 9, 2007

.ms pig talks.

If you know me,
You'd know what I love most.

3 words:
"Staying in bed".

(There's a reason why Im not calling it 'sleeping'
but aaaaanyway....)

*D! erase that mental image right now!!*

It doesnt matter if I've gotten enough sleep or not,
If I had a choice,
I'd stay there all day,
Just listening to music and... well...
Enjoying myself. :)

*D! I warned you!*

These few days,
I've been deprived of some good, nice and relaxing time in bed,
and that blows!

Thank goodness the misery ends today.
Well, not really, but I can see it getting better.
(Specially when the weekend rolls by)
I've just submitted one of my worst assignment attempts up to date,
But I dont care.
I need rest.

ooH... cant wait to get the MYSA meeting over and done with.
Dont get me wrong,
I love the association,
But rite now...
NOTHING shud come between me and my bed.


۞ D! ۞ said...

wtf?! I didnt imagine anything..honest, I was like, that me she referring too...oh shit, twice...I can 'lay' in bed for hours too, cant beat your record, but tidur mati is no foreign to me :P


۞ D! ۞ said...

I think my record is 17 hrs strait. Just once. I wont mention yours, just to keep your untarnished rep up.


lennie... said...

LoL ^^ 17 is a gooood recordd D babyyy... keKkekKkekee...