September 8, 2007

.personal stuffs; to go tru or to not go tru?.

Jimmy left for Malaysia an hour ago.
Sent him off at the airport as planned.
We were late,
but still decided to spend 5 minutes (or more) in each other's arms anyway.
He almost wasn't allowed to board... keKkee...
I hope he'll have a great time..
I sincerely do.

We called Groovy on the way to the airport.
He says to call him as soon as Jimmy checks in.
He's being so helpful.
I cant thank him enough.

But anyway...
Something sorta BIG happened tonite.
Let me ask you this:

Don't you hate it when someone goes tru your personal stuff?

But turning the tables,
Have you been tru someone elses' stuff,
FIND SOMETHING which forces you to dig deeper,
and eventually hurt yourself from finding out?

AND not to mention,
Hate yourself for starting in the first place?

Everyone would hate the person who goes tru other's stuffs, rite?
After all,
They have no right to cross those lines.
Its private.
I'd hate it if someone secretly decides to stoop around my personals.

But think about it from the other person's side.
You're in the position where information is laid out in front of u.
You're curious...
You're curious to see if curiosity would actually kill the cat.
And then your curiousity forms a mind of its own.
It starts acting by itself.

Before you know it,
You've uncovered something "fishy"...
Your curiousity builds up more.
You start HATING yourself for not being able to just "let it go"...
You proceed to plunge, head first into the situation.

You see something you dont wanna see.
Something you kinda expected, but didn't expect to find.
(if you know what i mean)
Something that changes everything.
Something that puts you on unstable grounds.
Something that would make you question everything.
Something that you would so wanna confront him about,
but you're afraid to...

... and confronting him would make you the bad guy.
And you dont wanna be that guy!!

Thats when you start hating yourself.
And regret slips in.

Question is,
Is the regret for crossing the line?
Was it for trusting him in the first place?


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