June 7, 2007

.here's what i think.

Everyone has their own problems.
Everyone has their way to express how they feel about their problems.

Why can't I accept that?

When people tell me about their problems,
I cant block out the voice in my head that says,
"exaggeration! exaggeration! exaggeration"
"drama queen/king!!"
"attention seeker!!"
"soOo pretentious!!"
"oHmyGod r u serious bout what u're saying?"
"oooH come oNnnn... seriously?"
"Do u hear yourself?"
"You cant reli be thinking thaaat..."

Maybe its a good thing I didn't study to be a psychologist.
I know its wrong to put down other's problems,
and make them feel as if their problems are insignificant.
I'd hate it if someone did that to me...

But sometimes...
You just cant help feeling/thinking,
"exaggeration! exaggeration! exaggeration"
"drama queen/king!!"
"attention seeker!!"
"soOo pretentious!!"
"oHmyGod r u serious bout what u're saying?"
"oooH come oNnnn... seriously?"
"Do u hear yourself?"
"You cant reli be thinking thaaat..."

Sorry for being disrespectful.
I guess, as a third party,
Its always easier to look inside and see things troubled-people can't see in their own lives...
And its also easier to advise them regarding their problems,
cuz we're not as emotionally driven as they are.

And dont get me wrong...
Im completely ok with people coming to me with problems.
But when their version of their story is soOoo overly exaggerated,
to the point that they dont even mean what they're saying,
I just cant help thinking they're being ridiculous.

(which very much demotivates me to give them helpful advise.
Cuz somehow I get the impression that they're enjoying the drama,
seeing that they even bother to add extra "spice" into it...
just to make things sound more "waaaa"...)

Im sorry again.
I need to be more understanding.
And also to shut up.

But really!!
Think about it...
If you're one of the people that subconciously tell your stories,
with extra bits that you somehow find necessary to exaggerate,
Maybe your problem, minus the exaggeration,
really isnt that bad after all...
Ever think about the logic of that?


۞ D! ۞ said...

Everyone exaggerates once in a while, they dont want to, but it comes naturally. But when they see ppl pay more attention if they inflate the story, they keep doing it. Raises the bar y'know. So last night I could sleep cause there was this UFO outside...


lennie... said...

ROFL D... u crack me up! haHahaa!