June 2, 2007

.the little things that counts.

A couple of sweet-little things that made me smile the last few days-

1. The girl talks. (plus emyne - haHaa)

2. How Lalat was comfortable enough to walk into my room in the morning while I was still asleep.
(goes to show how close we still are)

3. How I learnt that Ryan and I have freakishly so much in common.

4. How I had a sudden realization that my blog needs some cleaning up.
(which reflects alot on my current emotional state)

5. How Mouzam and I love our Gloria Jean's Iced White Chocolate,
and watching nice romantic comedies together.

6. Making new friends and feeling good about the impression you left on them.

7. Being able to lay on a bed when your body aches all over.

8. How Ivan can come to my house and although my family is in the middle of a family discussion,
He fits right in. :)

9. How 3 hours of work flies in a jiffy when you're in a good mood,
and striking random conversations with strangers.

10. Walking home with Selina and Ivan,
and holding Selina close cuz she was cold.
(and I miss cyrus)

I should be thankful for many things...
Instead of wasting so much time thinking of certain things/people,
who probably only see you as...
I dont know...
Lets just say,
Not as what you wish they would see you as.

Therefore, the things/people that arent worth it...
They need to be blocked out.

Sherlene's on/off button on emotional attachments to the opposite sex -
Currently: OFF

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