August 22, 2007

.my little marshmellow puff.

Jimmy came back from NZ yesterday.
He had an OK trip, so he said.

Last nite,
He dropped by with a souvenier for moi.

Isnt that the most funny looking sheep you've ever seen?!

I burst out laughing when he popped it in front of me.
haHaa I thought it was very cute though.
He's my new love.

We decided to name him "M&M"...
Thats the abbreviation of MarshMellow.

Aaaaand his nickname is Puff. :)

Jimmy just invited me to dinner at his parents.
aaaah maNnn... I dont know.


۞ D! ۞ said...

I got sheep toy too, Esther gave it to me, later I take pic then show u k. We wrapped mine in a clear plastic though, cause it collects dust, and Im allergic. :P
Its also to keep it clean, cause its

lennie... said...

Reli? You're allergic to the fur?? Okay.. *mental note: dun get D stuffed toys for birthday*

heHee my puffster is kinda white too. Creamish actually. but i think if u ever see it, it wud hav turned brown...