Everywhere I go...
Accidents happen.
Thats how I feel at least... :(
In less than a year, here's the things that has happened to me.
(actually, these are just the ones I managed to capture on my cam)
So first,
The wooden door that opens to the garage in my house.
Silly me,
Putting on my slippers while holding on to the door frame.
Obviously, my fingers got in the way.
"Wham!" - now my fingers hated me...

Then the incident at work.
I was cleaning the shelf above the Crepe machine.
The stool I was standing on slipped.
I fell.
My right arm landed on the Crepe machine's hot plate.
Burnt the bejesus outta myself.
My arm hates me.
Cuz until today, the burnt mark is still there.
It's been months!
Weeks after that,
I stooooopidly walked to the bathroom from my room in the dark.
On my way back,
Stubbornly deciding to walk in the dark (a little too quickly)
I tripped on Sheena's suitcases that were placed near my door.
I couldnt find my footing cuz both feet were caught behind the bags.
I fell forward,
ramming my forehead onto my room door's stile.
I swear I saw a flash of light before I finally dropped on the floor.
I thought I would've cracked my skull or disfigured myself.
I took that pic a couple of hours later.
Dont know if u can see the bump...
But u shud have felt it.
First it sunk in, then a bump started growing...
Im pretty sure my forehead hates me.
A couple of days later,
After the bump wasn't too bad anymore,
a red blotch started forming on the side of my eye.
Im suspecting it was an after-math from the fall.
Months passed without a sound.
Actually, there were a couple of incidents,
but nvm...
Then TONITE...
While I was exercising with Selina in the living room,
(I was laying flat on the floor, doing stretches)
My guitar decided to slip from the side of the sofa,
Falling flat on my forehead...
And it was the long bit of the guitar...
You know, where the frets are. (Dont know what its reli called)
And yes... a bump slowly formed.
Although this time was slightly better cuz the impact wasn't too hard.
So it didn't sink in or anything.
But still, I can hear the guitar going "daaaaanngg!!" in my ears...
I felt as if I could really pass out.
Specially when Im under medication at the moment.
(lost my voice, my throat is yucky and my body is weak)
But I guess its safe to say,
My forehead hates me most.

normally id say 3rd times the charm, but walking disaster is more in order.
I love the guitar falling down sound...twang!
stretches eh, awesome! keep it up!
i normally wudn't mind the guitar-fallen-down sound... but i guess its harder to like when u get whacked in the head with it. :S
lol stretches... ^^
stretchy = bendy = ...
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