March 9, 2008

Waterchestnut- A fiasco

The waterchest nut looks like a dry sperm. David Choi is a American Korean. I dont think it will taste nice. Talking to Elton. He told me to fuck the mid program review. Why do somebody like to sing in the bathroom? Does he really need to call? Its just a simple fuck. What wrong with you? Stop screwing around. I rather write a reflective journal for myself than for the PLT. Too much things to reflect in my life. If anyone understands reformasi- thats me baby.

I miss KL. Both sisters and the housemate have the same way of making ppl go away. A girl's butt is their biggest asset. Stop abusing the asset. Why you so academic?

People like me can work at night and u cant. Coz ppl like screwing at night. Its night now.... Nobody wanna screw me. Coz i stop them from doing it-Its reformasi to stop bleeding in love. My nose is bleeding. You are so much better than me. Are you a "filipina".Do you think i sing better with feelings?He like a girl with her fingers move. The way she pick her nose. Like as if no one was there. 2 fingers are better than 1?? Musicians are getting lame with their creativity. Especially with mine.


۞ D! ۞ said...

this doesnt sound like you. but nice rant.

lennie... said...

lol it was stan. u know me so well.