Its 4.51am and I have 2 things to share.
Is my sudden realisation that it is indeed a fact that "Women Talk"...
BUT, what people failed to realise is "Men Talk too!"
And Im not sure Im too comfy with that idea.
I wonder why people make a big fuss about how women talk,
But totally ignore the fact that men is capable of yapping too.
Issit becuz women puts on emphasis on their stories?
Thus creating an impression that its juicy gossip?
Not to mention the enthusiastic responce from the recipient of the stories.
While men on the other hand,
They just talk about their stuffs to buds like its the weather?
And because they're so nonchalant about it,
Their stories arent considered 'talking'?
Cuz I can so imagine one dude telling another dude,
Dude 1: "I only had pizza for dinner. And I slept with this chick from that pub we went to last weekend. She's Hot. Oh hey, I was thinking of hitting the gym later. Up for it?"
Dude 2: "Yea. Gym sounds good."
While a girl's version of the story would sound more like,

Her friends: "awww... thats so sweeet!"
Girl: "Then he.... he... *blush* He said I was the most beautiful gal he's ever seen. Then we... we..."
Friends: "Oh my god!! *claps hands on mouth* You did notttt!!!"
Girl: *nods shyly*
Friends: "I can't believe you!!! *all laughs in unison* How was it like? Was he good?"
- and the rest would be up to your imagination...
But do you get my point?
So is that why people say "Women Talk"?
Because of the way they tell their stories?
Issit becuz its more detailed?
Cuz guys can be pretty detailed too sometimes...
Especially if they just scored with a chick all his buds drool over.
I hope I'm wrong.
Cuz I would very much prefer to know that men dont talk as much as I think.
Whether they're drunk or whatever,
I'd truly prefer a guy who can keep his mouth shut.
Leave what happened in the bedroom, IN THE BEDROOM.
And dont draw any assumptions that Im hiding anything,
Its just a general "hope" that men isn't as gossipy as I imagine.
Cuz trust me,
I've met quite a few gossipy men in my life time.
But one can only hope they'd know what to share and what to zip up about.
The 2nd thing I was gonna say is,
I found a song that suits my current lifestyle...
(Its lyrics of coz)
Its an old song by Jennifer Paige,
Entitled "Crush"...
Actually, this is what men would really talk in that scenario:
Dude 1: I only had pizza for dinner. And I slept with this chick from that pub we went to last weekend. She's Hot.
Dude 2: Nice~ Which babe btw?
Dude 1: You know, the one in red...
Dude 2: Oh, that chick... Lucky bastard!
Dude 1: Hehe...Oh hey, I was thinking of hitting the gym later. Up for it?
Dude 2: Yea, after I thrash ya in Street Fighter that is!
Dude 1: Say what loser? Bring it on!
You just made it worse!
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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