he's happy too. *kekekee* and he
allows me party (with or without him)
without giving me 'that look'. (while
perhaps making an extra effort to
make sure I'm safe?)
2. At sad times,
he knows how to give me space and time to sort out
my thoughts without pressuring me to tell him wuts up.
Then again, I know I have his loving support.
3. Socially,
he has his own group of friends. Friends he brings me to
hang-out with once in a while, and friends he hangs out
with while I'm out with the girls. Socially active. Yea, thats
what I'm trying to say.
4. My family and friends,
he makes an effort to get to know my family and respects
them. he doesn't mind spending time with me and my
friends. Makes an effort to play nice and not be a total pig
or a total smart ass (in the annoying way)
5. During my hard times,
he takes out time to listen to my probs and seriously tries
to think of a "sensible" solution to help. And if he couldn't
decide how to help, he'd assure me that no matter what, he
wouldn't leave me to fight my own battle. *kekekee*
6. During his down times,
he feels comfortable enough to tell me whats really on his
mind, and trust that I would care enough to hold his hand
through it.
7. During our crazy times alone,
we play, tease, go crazy, laugh, snort, burp, do anything
openly in front of each other, and simply find it all cute.
(or disgustingly funny)
8. Secrets,
he makes me feel that I can trust him with my secrets and
vice versa. That things between the both of us would always
remain between us.
9. Being a Man,
he talks with sense, crack jokes that are smart, debates with
charm, carry himself with confidence, and ready to stand up
for both me and him... with class.
10. Smarts,
he's not a dumbass who knows nuts about anything. A guy
who leads me, while I support him from behind. He's someone
who can afford to lead others, but still humble enough to follow
instructions. Charismatic, not arrogant. Someone I don't need
to worry about when it comes to making judgments or decisions
for his future.
11. Emotionally,
he's one who loves his family and cares about other's feelings.
Not possessive or overly jealous. Thats a definite a turn off. I
don't mind if he cries... My arms would always be there.
12. Mentally,
he doesn't let me get my way just because he wants to please
me. I'd rather a guy who takes charge. "I don't know. I'll do
whatever you want to do." <- thats a line that makes me feel
'blah' specially when I'm not in the mood.
13. Maturity,
he's someone who knows what he wants in life. Someone
mature and responsible for himself and his actions. I've grew out
of the "bad boys" phase of life. They're no longer cool. I'd rather
someone who'd call the cops then to suggest a "1 on 1 fist fight
at the back alley at 2am".
14. Manners,
he's courteous. Speaks to all level of people with respect.
Someone who'd know what kinda jokes are appropriate for what
occasions. Cleans up well, and shows qualities of a gentleman.
15. Overall,
he's someone I can treat as a friend and laugh histerically with
when we're together + there's a crazy physical attraction that I
can never seem to get over.
By the way, this guy doesn't exist.
I'm just bored and a girl just loves dreaming.
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