I was looking through my old pictures today because Sherwynna needed some old pics of me and her. And look what I stumbled upon!! *wheee!!* A pic of me, Lazman, Fendy and Mc playing for my mum's formal dinner event. It was a great night. I think I sung Six Pence None the Richer's "Kiss Me"... lol How appropriate. *whoops*
ANywayz, looking back at the old pics made me laugh. Those were definitely the fun days. I miss singing in a band (and singing badly may I add), I miss hanging out and wasting time, I miss walking around school and being called "Mz Bitch", I miss the old crowd... awwww... How nice. *lol* I miss KK... I wish I was going back this year. Too bad...

Those were the days.
The days when you go to school everyday and see the same people and never get bored of them. You stay back in school to rehearsh a dance for a school event. The days when u scream and shout at people who doesn't follow your instructions in choir. *Thinks about Carlo's blog* Everyone loved High School... lol And one more reason to miss the high school days, particularly All Saints is becuz Carlo was there. I was in form 2 back then... *lol* That was when I learnt the bad stuffs. *tee hee* nobah... *ehem ehem* lol But yea... Life back in High School is definitely one I'd never forget.
*Zap back to the future*
Need to bath.
Match at 9pm...
And its CRUCIAL!
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