That was me a couple of weeks back.
Until I took some time out to stroll down memory lane.
And asked myself, "When was the last time I used those exact words?"
Then it hit me.
I've used it more than I could even remember.
Guys who manage to 'steal my heart', 'make me fall', 'dazzle me with his charms', 'give me butterflies'...
Those were the guys I had used that faithful line on.
And what are they now?
Not that perfect anymore.
"He's oriented and funny and shy and caring and he always say the right things..."
Those were the reasons... if not called 'excuses'...
Then you 'convince' yourself that,
"Those are the exact qualities I'm looking for in a guy!"
Because the next guy that comes along could easily be,
"Wild, Irresponsible but totally exciting, ever sooo cute, romantic, and always there to offer me a challenge!"
In that case, who's Mr.Perfect?
The guy who gives you notes for exams?
The guy who drives you home every night?
The guy who makes you laugh until tears start rolling down your face?
The guy who would cancel on his mum to have dinner with you?
The guy who talks to you on the phone for 6 hours because you had a bad day?
The guy who makes you cry all the time? (referring to the girl in my previous post)
The guy your parents think is "right" for you?
The guy who kisses you and makes the world disappear?

Then again, crossing out everything I just mentioned...
I strongly believe in Soulmates.
And I'm still looking forward to the day I find him.
Cuz I know he's out there. :)
But don't ask me how would I know,
cuz I might just have to copy and paste this entire post again. *grins*
The ONE.
Somehow I am starting to loose hope on THE one. Nobody is perfect and the ideology of the ONE is slowly being eradicated from my vocab.
I believe in this. The ability to love someone imperfect PERFECTLY.
I figured you penned down enough questions, so I'll just post up my worthless opinions-KZ
lol thx for the comment. its far from worthless. good to see how others are viewing the issue of soulmates and THE ONE.
Imperfections... hmm... u know, at one point of my life, I was caught up in one thought when it came to this one particular guy,
"his imperfections made him perfect"
As blissful as that sounds, could that actually mean Love is Blind? And therefore, feelings make fools?
Ah... My thoughts are all over the place. Ignore me.
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