Today I woke up 3pm... *yawn*
Yea.. I still feel exhausted. Bugger.
Its currently 6pm...
I just had my first meal.
Kelloggs Crunchy Nuts + Low Fat Milk.
*bleaaak* I think I ate too much...
Last nite I stayed up until 5pm...
Got caught up in editing a new forum.
Its called "Classes of 2002"
Made to get all the 1998-2002 students back together.
We'll see how it works out. Fingers crossed.
http://classesof2002.proboards49.com/index.cgi (there it is!)
Last nite, 4 GSGs were online...
We group chatted in MSN. It was heaps of fun.
You should have seen the stuffs we talked about.
Talking to them made me feel at ease again...
Miss them soOoo much.
Got updated about their current lifeee... They're all doing fine...
Told them about my current situation in the relationship department.
They were really supportive. Now its really up to me.
Sherman bought me Nike's Stand Up Speak Up wrist band.
It came in the mail today. I like it heaps!
Kick racism outta football... Oh yEaa...
My brother rocks! ^^
I'm looking forward to this coming monday.
Club Kandy... or issit Klub Candy?
oH well... There's this dance party this Monday nite.
Its gonna be fun, I HOPE.
Can't wait to feeeeel the music agaiN.
Dancing is too underated.
There shud be more dancing places around.
If I manage to earn some cash this summer,
I'm signing up for hip hop dance classes.
YEA. Thats something to look forward to.
For now... I better get started with my presentation.
Dont wanna get up in front of the class and sound like a fool.
And hey,
The semester break is hereee!! *whoOo hoOo!!*

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