September 22, 2005

Questions; Are there answers?

Questions from the top of my head:
(don't worry if u dont understand - they're all bullshtye..)

1. Why take away someone so important in another person's life ever so suddenly without even allowing them to say goodbye?

2. I know everyone needs to endure the ups and downs in life, but why give a great person such a difficult "obstacle" ro deal with when she doesn't deserve it?

3. Why does my blue platform hurt my left feet so much? When is the swelling gonna ease off? *argh*

4. Why does ulcers in a person's mouth (or cold sore) spread when two people share an intimate kiss? Same explaination as STD issit?

5. What are the things that could completely ruin a friendship? and how open can they be with one another, while maintaining their bond in the name of plain "friendship"? (by the way, I'm talking about a male/female friendship, if u even believe such "friendship" exist.)

6. A guy and a girl spending time together as friends... a "moment" suddenly happens in between... they grasp it. Moment passes. They both laugh. What happens after?

7. If you're ever-so-attracted to a person who you're pretty sure is all wrong for you, do you move on? or open the door to the "Keep those Fingers Crossed Land" and think, "lets take a shot at this!"?

8. If the person you're kissing is in actual fact your soulmate, can u tell?

*goes to bed thinking*


sythen said...

"4. Why does ulcers in a person's mouth (or cold sore) spread when two people share an intimate kiss? Same explaination as STD issit?"

well.. they say part of love is sharing.. so... ;)

ouch. looks like u've been spammed too

lennie... said...

lol good one carlo. and yea... *sigh* i've been spammed. *bleah*