so yep... saturday nite out with the kings jewellers wintergarden girls at the valley! it was our early xmas gathering before we get all tense and busy with the xmas sales.
it was a fun nitee... seeing the girls all drunk and tipsy! :) i was good tho... only had one drink. [cuz i was driving - and cuz i had enough to drink the night before] again, went pub/club hoppin. it quite a different experience with this crowd.
the places we went were different too. barsoma, the fringe, the mustang bar... lol. i've also been invited to the next "hellfire" event. check out the website and read the rules and dress code. *bite nails*
so, we've been playin this game at home with our media players. u know how u put your song library on shuffle, ask a question and get your answer from the song that randomly plays? tonite, we asked one question, "what is x's heart's song?" -
x. sherlene:
hold it, don't drop it - jlo [and yes, i dedicate the lyrics of this song to M-L]
x. sheena:
they don't know - savage [hmm... i reckon this girl is hiding something from us]
x. sherwynna:
unbreak my heart - toni braxton [i knew this girl's heart is secretly broken]
x. selina:
how to deal - frankie j [*tears*]
x. sherman:
touch - amerie [our house's secret slut]
... we thought selina's song was pretty spot on, because she's going through some struggles right now. her heart is broken, and because of that, so are ours. :(
x. cyrus:
let me hold you - bow wow [*more tears*]
talk about being spot on. :(