now no one is gonna think i'm sane anymore!
but aaaanyway...
was gonna make a trip to the bisbane powerhouse to checkout a couple of indie singer songwriters today; but... got lazy. HAHA.
ended up doin lunch with the family, and spending the rest of the day with dvds and silly videos and of course... the girls. :) - oohh... sherman was with us too. u'd be able to tell from the vid. ;) he made us dinner too.. :) i ate everything but the green stuff. *bleah*

i've gots an interview tomoz at the city. gonna start part-timing for extra pocket money again. ;) can u see me selling jewelleries? ;) im excited regardless! shud be fun!
MU's first match tonite!! 1am!!!
a new season babyyy and already one title in the bag! ;)
so, how've u been? ;)
I wana tag sherman!!!!
lol and get me killed? NOO!! lol
dont get me your girl friend...cause you cant handle it...? haha
sherman has the moves.
i only saw seline once. she obviously didnt drink enuff.
sheena has bad coordination. video evidence.
nani puking. whoever took video is awesome.
shermsies found out. :P
lol "dont get me for a girlfriend... cuz u cant handle it" :P - it was spontaneous ok... so excuse any bad english! :P
D! come back and we'll make more vids!
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