October 9, 2008

.your friendly neighbour.

today, the girls and i went around our neighbourhood, posting little notes into our neighbours' mailboxes. here's what it read -

Dear Neighbour

At 10pm on 6 October 2008, a man with tan skin, wearing a horizontal stripped shirt trespassed onto our property. At the time, our house was brightly lit and there were more than 3 people at home, but this man daringly opened and came through the side fence. We did not notice him as the compound around our house is quite dark, but this man actually dared to lean in closer to our side living area window and look in, startling one of us who was sitting directly in front of that window. He ran off as soon as one of us starting pointing and shouting at him.

Due to this, we are deeply concerned that his intention is not to rob but to attack, as he made such a weak attempt to hide himself. We are writing this to you to alert you of such incident around our neighbourhood and hope that everyone will be more aware and prone to odd noises or suspicious looking people around. The closest Police Station is at 42 Kameruka St, Calamvale. Their number is (07) 3131 7377 or call 000. We hope that together, we can increase the security around our neighbourhood.

Your Kinedana St. Neighbour

true story. :(

poor wynna. she saw the dude, and now his face is permanently imprinted in her mind. she's been sleeping in my room with me since that night. *hugs* and if u know us, this why we are always so paranoid about our safety. these things do happen. :(

so care, if you love us. :)


Anonymous said...

OMG~ so scary laHHHH~ hope all of u will b alright oh!!! esp. when all of u are such young attractive gals~ haha

Wyn said...

so much for trying to remain anonymous with the note.lol but i doubt any of the neighbours read our blogs.lol